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Lick my boots clean

Lick my boots clean

While Mistress Jade has been out on the town dancing, drinking, and having fun, her lowly house slave has been home scrubbing and cleaning. Jade decides to share a bit of her nightlife with her sissy, allowing the sissy to taste all the fun Jade had by licking the bottoms of her boots clean. As the sissy licks, Jade just laughs and wonders if he can taste all of the things she has walked on that night. With her boots clean, Jade puts the sissy back in his cage, but can't resist teasing him with the prospect of kissing her ass - which he can't do through the bars. It is a night of fun for Jade and total denial and humiliation for her sissy.

Date Added: October 11, 2024


6 min of video


Rating: 4.2/5.0